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DBLL Softball Divisions

Player safety and enjoyment are priorities for Daniel Boone Little League. The information on each division is provided to assist parents in understanding placement in a particular division and its associated expectations.

Use these links to jump to a section. Rule sheets are included in division sections.

Spring seasons typically run from early April  through late June, and Fall seasons generally run from late August until mid-October. The number of games scheduled will depend on division. Most teams play two games per week, and games are played are played Monday-Thursday, though there might be one Saturday game (for opening day) and some Fridays (if needed to make up rainouts). Early start time is 5:45 p.m., and late start times are around 7 p.m., depending on division.

Game schedules will be posted on the website and emailed to parents when finalized. For more information about the season's schedule, visit our Calendar page.

For more answers to commonly asked questions, please visit our FAQ page.


Who is it for? Tee ball is designed to ease beginning players (ages 4-7) into the game of softball. The basic fundamentals of throwing, catching and hitting are taught. Games are 1 hour and 10 minutes long, and every player bats and plays in the field each inning. For the first half of the season, all players hit from a hitting tee. In the second half of the season, coaches will throw each player pitches, giving them 3 swings or a total of 5 pitches. If the player fails to make contact, an assistant coach will then place the ball on a hitting tee. Players are assigned to teams by a Pee-Wee Player Agent, who will consider current school and parent requests. This division uses a 10-inch, RIF 1 level softball.

How is the game played? All players bat and play the field the whole game. Coaches will play the kids in more than one position. Players are responsible to bring their own gloves and shoes. Athletic cleats are not mandatory but highly recommended.

What are the rules? Tee Ball Guidelines

Price: $120


The Minor Division includes players ages 7-11. The Minors Division will be divided internally into 3 separate “leagues": Coach Pitch, Machine Pitch and Player Pitch. Please note that the players will be put into these divisions based on ability, not necessarily age. Players may play in any “league” within the Minors Division, but in most cases, 7-year-olds will play coach pitch, 8-year-olds and possibly some 9-year-olds will play machine pitch and 9- and 10-year-olds will play player pitch.


Who is it for? Coach Pitch is an instructional division, one level above Tee Ball. Some players are new to the game, although many have played Tee Ball. These players are learning the fundamentals. As with Tee Ball division, every player bats each inning, and all players will play in the field.

How is the game played? Coaches pitch to their players and are allowed in the field during the game to assist players in their defensive assignments. By local option, a player who is league-age 6 (see age chart at bottom of the page) for the current season and has played a year in Tee Ball may be "moved up" to Coach Pitch. This division uses an 11-inch, RIF 1 level softball. Double innings will be played to conserve the time. An inning consists of 3 outs or a team reaching the per inning scoring limit. After 3 outs or the run limit, the team at bat will clear all runners off the bases and a second inning will begin. The defensive team is free to move players to different positions. The only exception to that rule is that the catcher must remain at catcher (this will save the time of taking the gear off and someone else putting it on). The batter shall receive 5 pitches or 3 strikes. Only swings and misses or foul balls count as strikes. If the 5th pitch results in a foul ball, there will be additional pitches until there is no contact. If after the 5th pitch the batter has not struck out or put the ball in play, they will be awarded 1st base.

What are the rules? Coach Pitch Rules

Price: $135


These are more established players who are more ready to learn defensive skills, and games are like regular softball games: line-ups will be established, and teams will play 10 players on defense. The pitching machine will be fed by an adult or an umpire, and the position of pitcher will be fielded by a player. Teams will bat all players in the line-up but will switch after 3 outs. The “Field” umpire will make the out and safe calls on the bases. Batters will be allowed 3 swings or 5 good pitches before being called out. This division uses an 11-inch softball. Players may only take one extra base on overthrows.

What are the rules? Machine Pitch Rules

Price: $150


As an advanced division to Minors, the participants are playing at a more competitive level. Teams are formed through a draft process. This division uses a 12-inch softball.

How is the game played? All players bat in the lineup the whole game. Everyone sits the bench from time to time, but all players always hit in the lineup. There is a 5 run rule per half inning. Each player must play defense for a minimum of 6 defensive outs.

Note: ONLY players who live in Boone County are eligible for the Little League Softball Major Division All-star team which will participate in the Missouri District 4 All Star Tournament, Missouri State All Star Tournament (if winner of District 4 Tournament), Little League Regional All Star Tournament (if winner of State Tournament), and World Series All Star Tournament (if winner of Regional Tournament). This team typically plays well into July and possibly early August. All-star teams are formed through a combination of player voting and league manager selection process.

Players are responsible for bringing their own gloves and shoes. Athletic cleats are not mandatory but highly recommended.

What are the rules? Majors Rules

Price: $150



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Field SB PP #1 (08:08 AM | 12/10/24)